Puppet master Wiki
Puppet master Wiki



Puppet Master, Puppet Master 2, Puppet Master 4, Retro, Axis of Evil, Axis Termination, Eternity Comics, The Littlest Reich, Blade: The Iron Cross

The Scroll was an ancient papyrus that contained the secrets of life, death and resurrection. The scroll also contained the formula known as the ancient Egyptian rites of afterlife and ingredients to create the Elixir the potion that would be used to bring Andre Toulon's puppets to life. The magic on the scroll was born in the black fires of the beginning of time and belonged to Sutekh (although in Puppet Master 2 Toulon claims it belonged to Osiris, but in Egyptian mythology Sutekh did kill his brother Osiris so he may have stolen it from him). 

It was also confirmed in Puppet Master: Axis Termination by Dr. Ivan that the scroll did indeed belong to Osiris. The magic was originally passed down to a select few sorcerers to use to give life to inanimate figurines but was later used for evil by Sutekh. Afzel stole the scroll from Sutekh's Temple in Cairo, Egypt many centuries ago and passed it onto Andre Toulon in 1902. Toulon kept it and guarded it with his life. According to Afzel, Sutekh and other elder gods are binding their time to attack mankind and will rise in a thousand years and only the secret of life can save the world.

Puppet Master: The Game[]

In the official game, this scroll serves a major purpose for the multiplayer mode, where the human character has to steal the scroll, along with some elixir and Andre Toulon's journal


  • Puppet Master
  • Puppet Master 2
  • Puppet Master 4
  • Retro Puppet Master
  • Puppet Master: Axis of Evil
  • Puppet Master: Axis Termination
  • Eternity Comics
  • Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich
  • Blade: The Iron Cross
  • Puppet Master: The Game



  • The scroll looked different in each movie, it could be because each movie had a different artist working on it but it could also mean that the scroll changes as it is magical.



Puppet Master (pictured), Puppet Master 2 (mentioned), Axis Termination (mentioned). Blade: The Iron Cross (mentioned)

Osiris was an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead. He was classically depicted as a green-skinned man with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side, and holding a symbolic crook and flail.

According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris's brother Set better known as Sutekh, along with the Queen of Ethiopia, conspired with 72 accomplices to plot the assassination of Osiris. Sutekh fooled Osiris into getting into a box, which Sutekh then shut, sealed with lead, and threw into the Nile.

Isis, the wife of Osiris searched the river and found the body of her beloved husband. She used a spell learned from her father and brought him back to life so he could impregnate her. Afterwards he died again and she hid his body in the desert. Months later, she gave birth to Horus. While she raised Horus, Sutekh was hunting one night and came across the body of Osiris. Enraged, he tore the body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Isis gathered up all the parts of the body and bandaged them together for a proper burial. The gods were impressed by the devotion of Isis and resurrected Osiris as the god of the underworld.

In Puppet Master 2, Andre Toulon claims that Osiris is the owner of the secret but in Puppet Master 4 he claims it was stolen from SutekhIt is possible Sutekh murdered Osiris to steal the secret which he wanted to use for evil. Andre Toulon also owns the magical scroll with pictures of Osiris in it that he hides in the puppet's trunk. It is confirmed in Puppet Master: Axis Termination by both Doktor Gerde Ernst and Dr. Ivan that the scroll does indeed belong to Osiris. 




Puppet Master, Puppet Master 2, Toulon's Revenge, Puppet Master 4, The Final Chapter, Curse, Retro, The Legacy, Vs. Demonic Toys, Axis of Evil, Axis Rising, Axis Termination, Blade: The Iron Cross

The Elixir is the magical potion which brings the puppets to life. The elixir is based on an ancient scroll that was stolen from Sutekh and/or Osiris by Afzel in Cairo, Egypt many years ago. Afzel stole the secret because he claimed that the ancient demon god will rise in a thousand years and the only defense against them is in the elixir. The elixir is a green fluid that can be mixed with brain-matter and is able to resurrect a human or give strength to a human and allow them to be a lot stronger and sustain eternal life. Andre Toulon mixed it with blood of a deceased human and injected into his puppets which bought them to life with the souls and essence of the human that died. Since the secret was passed onto Toulon in Paris, France in 1902 by Afzel, he has used it to make his puppet shows a success by having a puppet that moves without string, but it has also caused him much trouble with the evil demon lord Sutekh who had sent his Mummy Servants to kill him and steal it back.

They killed all of his friends and he revived them as his puppets and fought them and saved a young Swiss woman Elsa, who would later become his wife. - During the second World War, Toulon lived in Berlin, Germany and he was getting older and retired the large puppet performances in place of a small shows for children. When the Nazis started to kill people that Toulon knew, he resurrected them also as puppets, each with a hidden weapon so that they could defend themselves. When the Nazis learnt of his secret they broke into his house to steal it so that they could use it for their Deathcorp Project, an experiment in resurrecting fallen German soldiers to put back into battle. Elsa tried to stop them but was murdered by Major Kraus, the leader of the Gestapo Nazis. They arrested Toulon he and his puppets fought back and became fugitives. Dr. Hess who was the scientist behind the project took the elixir and started to study it and test it on dead soldiers, but none of them were alive for more than few seconds so he went behind the rest of the Nazis back to track down Toulon and ask him more about the elixir himself. Toulon put the soul of his wife into the doll that he had created in her likeness, and fed it Leeches so she could defend herself. Toulon with the help of his puppets fought the Nazis and escaped to Switzerland, and then to America.

He was very concerned that the elixir would fall into Nazi's hands or other bad peoples hands who would use it for evil, so he hid the puppets along with the elixir in a special hiding place in his hotel room at the Bodega Bay Inn and then shot himself. Danny Coogan would later use the elixir to place the soul of his dead brother into a Ninja puppet, as well as Dr. Freuhoffer who used it to give life to four evil puppets nad Oberhelfer Friede Steitze who discovered that if the elixir is injected into a living human it would create bad side effects and make their body squirt out blood until they die. Blade also replaced his hook with a syringe to use this as a weapon too for a short period of time. Many years later when Neil Gallagher had gotten access to the elixir he worked on changing the formula of it so that it would work on human beings and no longer cause bad side effects. The elixir was used by many other people including Dr. Ivan and Rick Myers who used it for good and Doktor Gerde Ernst, Oberheller Friede Steitze, Dr. Magrew and Erique Chaneé (an evil version of Toulon) who used it for evil.

Puppet Master: The Game[]

In the official game, the elixir serves a major purpose for the multiplayer mode, where the human character has to steal the scroll, along with the scroll and Andre Toulon's journal. Jester also has the ability to revive knocked out puppets by injecting them with a syringe.


  • Puppet Master
  • Puppet Master 2
  • Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge
  • Puppet Master 4
  • Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter
  • Curse of the Puppet Master
  • Retro Puppet Master
  • Puppet Master: The Legacy
  • Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys (Toulon Blood)
  • Puppet Master: Axis of Evil
  • Puppet Master: Axis Rising
  • Puppet Master: Axis Termination
  • Blade: The Iron Cross
  • Puppet Master: The Game



  • The elixir was a homage to the Re-Animator movies.
  • In Puppet Master: The Legacy, Andre Toulon claims that the elixir is cursed. It is possible that when he and Theresa were resurrected using the elixir, they turned evil due to the curse of trying to use the magic to play God and live forever. Neil Gallagher also used it to resurrect himself, but he was already evil.

Toulon Blood


Vs. Demonic Toys

Toulon Blood is sacred blood from the Toulon family that is used to bring the puppets to life. This is only the case in Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys and contradicts the previous movies where the puppets are bought to life with an Egyptian spell. Robert Toulon and his daughter Alexandra were trying to bring the puppets to life and by doing this they would make a small cut on their finger and bleed two drops of blood into some alcohol and chemicals and inject it into the puppets. Two drops of blood makes the magic last longer, but only one makes them alive for only half a day then they fall asleep again.

Erica Sharpe has a plan of sacrificing Alexandra to Bael, the demon of prophet and wealth and getting pregnant from Robert so that she can have his baby that has his blood and use it similar to a farm animal and harvest its blood to bring puppets to life to serve her. After this plan she would kill Robert too. Her plan never falls through as she fails to bring Alexandra to Bael in time, so Bael takes Erica to Hell with him instead.


  • Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys


  • Even though this movie came out after Puppet Master IV, it was actually written before, which explains why they used Toulon family blood instead of the magic stolen from Sutekh.
  • Some fans believe that after Sutekh was defeated, the formula became property of Andre Toulon, as one of his last words were "The magic has changed over".

Sign of Protection


Retro, Axis Termination

The Sign of Protection is a symbol that prevents Sutekh or his Totems and Mummy Servants from detecting the location of their prey. When Afzel met Andre Toulon in Paris during 1902, he commanded the puppets to build the sign and put it on the door of the Theatre Magique to prevent the mummies from tracking him down. Valentin accidentally knocked down the sign while fixing the door of the theater, which lead the mummies to storm the theater and kill all of the puppeteers. When Toulon bought his puppets to life with the souls of his puppeteer friends, he had a scar shaped like the symbol placed onto his arm by Retro-Blade's knives. Since the mummies couldn't track down Toulon they were commanded by Sutekh to kidnap Elsa instead so that they could bring Toulon to them.

During 1942 Dr. Ivan also makes necklaces with a sign of protection on it that he calls an Elder Sign. He uses these signs to stop evil psychics working for the Nazis from tracking his location down.


  • Retro Puppet Master
  • Puppet Master: The Legacy (Archive footage)
  • Puppet Master: Axis Termination



  • The symbol resembles a combination of the Greek letters Phi and Omega.
  • Dr. Ivan's Elder Sign resembles the rune Algiz.
  • In the Region 2 Kushner-Locker DVD of the movie, there is extra scenes of the puppets building the signs.
  • The Elder Signs are based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft.
