Puppet master Wiki
Puppet master Wiki
202 Power Station


Axis Termination, lade the Iron Cross (mentioned)


Los Angeles, California

Filming Location

Los Angeles, California

The Power Station is a facility that powers all the electricity across of East Los Angeles, California. During 1942 two mechanics (George and Bobby) were killed by Bombshell and Weremacht while working there late at night. Doktor Gerde Ernst then used her psychic powers to talk to Blitzkreig and command him to bomb the facility which took out half the cities power.

It is later revealed that this was blown up so that James D. Madison could receive millions of dollars in supplies to repair it from the government and betray his country by handing it to Dr. Hauser to fund his Death Ray.


  • Puppet Master: Axis Termination
  • Blade the Iron Cross (mentioned)

